Tuesday, May 21, 2019

And the True Trojan Scholarship awardees are...

True Trojan Scholarship recipients (r to l): Natalie NewMyer, Keleni Tui Tofa, Camry Woodhouse, Cody Jones,
Wyatt Taylor, Easton Martin, Hunter Abel, and Christina Wilson.
Presenters: Dean Mortimer and Garth Gunderson

Due to generous and kind contributions from members of the RHS Class of 1969, we were able to extend eight $1000 True Trojan Scholarships to well-deserving graduates of the RHS Class of 2019.  All awards were based on merit of character as reviewed through a collaborative effort of the reunion committee and school counselors; three of the recipients are direct descendants of the class of 1969. Senator Dean Mortimer (chairman of the Idaho Senate Education Committee) and Garth Gunderson (former chairman of the Jefferson School District 251 Board) give credence to the value of education as they present awards to the recipients during the Rigby High School Awards Night held May 20, 2019.

If you desire to take part of the "paying forward" class effort, donations are still being taken. All donations large or small are meaningful. See instructions on how to donate in previous post.

55 Year Class Reunion

Date: Friday, August 10, 2024

Location: Rigby High School, Rigby

Time: 2-4 p.m. buffet Donetta Rock Fife.


Please help by keeping contact information up to date, by continuing to search for our "lost classmates," and by reaching out in friendship to encourage others to attend. A reunion is all about the people -- that means you!