Sunday, December 6, 2009

Season Greetings

To classmates near and far, may you find joy this Christmas season and discover even greater happiness in the year ahead.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A look back at 1999 - the 30 Year Class Reunion

As we gathered for the 40th reunion, a collection of photos were submitted from the reunion 10 years before. If you can help identify those in question, please drop, us a note. (Click on the image to get a larger view.) Enjoy the memories.

If you have photos from the 40th that you are willing to share, please don't wait another 10 years! Technology makes it easier now so just email the photos attachments to

Calvin A., Brenda (D.) W., Marlene (Y.) S., Phyllis (L.) M., Julie (B.) J., Maureen (E.) S., Rhonda (L.) J., Mike B.
Back Row: ??, Dean M., Carl T., Dave E., Pete M., Ray E., Bryce H., Don R. Steve T.
Front Row: Cheryl (G.) P, Lois (H.) H., Cheryl (H.) M., Deb (J.) R, Cheryl (M.) R.

Back Row: Donetta (R.) F, Phyllis (L.) M, Paul C., Calvin A., Rod M., Mike B., Randy G.
Middle Row: Rhonda (L.) J, Brenda (D.) W., Maureen (E.) S., Susan (F.) M., Jean (G.) A., Ruth Ann (P.) G., Cheryl (T.) P
Front Row: Marlene (Y.) S, Scott F., Julie (B.) J., Teresa & Brent W.

David & Rhonda (L.) J.

Calvin A. and Brad W. (husband of Brenda (D.) W.]

Reen W., Carl T., and Weston S.

Ruth Ann (P.) G., Carl T., Bryce H., and Weston S.

?. Dave E., ?

Brent W., Errol C., Mike B., Rod M.

Judy & Dean M.

Cheryl (H) & Al M.

Donetta (F.) R., Cheryl (M.) R., Don & Debbie R.?, Brenda (D.) W.

Pete & Jolene M., ? & ?

Steve & Nancy T.

Christina & Scott F. and Lois (H.) & Dennis H.

Dave & Phyllis (L.) M and Maureen (E.) S.

? (Mrs E.) & Ray E.

Brenda (D.) W., Don R., and Julie (B.) J.

Pam (J) & Rick H.

Ray E. and Trent & Sheryl (G.) P.

Standing: Donetta (R.) & Terry F.
Seated: Dave & Phyllis (L) M. and Maureen (E.) & Paul (S.)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A few reunion highlights

After a warm gathering and distribution of name tags (very stylish and helpful since some of us had changed a bit over the years), Bryce Hanson welcomed the classmates and invited all to join in a moment of silence in memory of our departed classmates.

Terrall Hanson offered an invocation thanking God for our meal as we began our celebration. There was expressed gratitude for the opportunity to gather in fellowship and a request that our friendships may be strengthened and our lives brightened.

The buffet of Prime rib and salmon was delicious and the conversation around the table enchanting and renewing.

Mike Byrne and LaNae Poulter as co-chairs presented fun awards followed by honoring two members of the Class of 1969 as our 40th Anniversary Class Heroes: Robert W. Nelson and Calvin Sullenger. Nominations are welcome for honorees for the 45th Anniversary (see details below in "Awards and Hereos" posting).

Following a reminder that contrary to tradition, the Class of 1969 has not yet given a gift to Rigby High School, the opportunity to contribute to a matching grant was extended to all (see details below in "Matching Grant Opportunity" posting).

If anyone has reunion photos they would like to share on the blogspot, please email them as attachments to

Classmates were encouraged to keep contact information up-to-date by registering on the High School Website (

Awards and Heroes

Just for the Fun of It Awards (recipients of gift cards)
  • Most Grandchildren - Peggy Sellers Peterson (30+)
  • Most Great Grandchildren - Gene Farmer (1)
  • Traveled the greatest distance to get here - Boyd Dial (from Michigan)
  • Doesn't have an email address - Calvin Archibald
  • Grayest hair and proud of it - Kurt Jones
  • Least hair and proud of it - Robert Ball
  • Married longest to the same spouse - Pam Jenson Harris
  • Lived in the most cities since graduating - David Edlefsen
  • Still a student - Sharyn Park Crouch
  • Most root canals - Bryce Hanson
  • Most changed - Mike Later
  • Least changed - John Miller

The Class of 69’s 40th Anniversary Class Heroes

In addition to the normal fun awards that are presented at a class reunion, your co-chairs for this 40 year reunion decided to add a little more serious award. After 40 years away from High School almost all of us have had to live through certain times that are very rough and have had to respond to challenges that we did not anticipate. We have been faced with situations that took a lot of effort just to pull through. One of our classmates was killed in action in Vietnam while working to save fellow soldiers who had been wounded. That is certainly at the highest level of heroism and is easy to understand and appreciate. We gratefully acknowledge it. In addition, we think that there have been much less public and silent moments of valor, and we decided to have an award to celebrate these various types of heroism and memorialize them.

This award is not meant to say that this person or that person has been the biggest hero of the last 40 years- that would be an impossible task- rather it is an award that just demonstrates the courage of fellow classmates and to use those classmates as an example of many other acts of everyday courage that many of our other classmates exhibit.

Because, we believe that there are so many of our classmates that deserve this award, we would encourage you to nominate others for our next class reunion and provide a story that we can share together then. The two heroes that we selected to start this process are both deceased. That however is certainly not a criterion for your submission. Please provide your nominations to either LaNae or Mike or directly to Connie or Dean, co-chairs for our next reunion.

Some of our fellow classmates have contributed so that we will be able to make two $500 donations to the Jefferson County School District 251’s Foundation. The only stipulation is that the recipients of these funds are made aware that the help they have received is in honor of these two individuals and that they be provided with the following brief tribute to them.

The 40th Anniversary Class Heroes are:

Robert W. Nelson

Our classmate Bob Nelson was born on February 15, 1951. After graduating, he enlisted in the Army and began his tour of duty in Vietnam on January 12, 1970. Bob served on a helicopter crew and saw plenty of combat action. On the 29th day of September 1970 his helicopter was flying over Binh Duong, South Vietnam, when it was shot down by hostile fire. Bob died as a result of the injuries received in that crash. We are honored to call Bob our classmate and will be forever grateful for the ultimate sacrifice he made for his country.

Calvin C. Sullenger

Our classmate Calvin Sullenger was born on July 24, 1950. Calvin suffered from severe illness from birth that left him very frail and with obvious physical abnormalities. Unfortunately, kids can be cruel and Calvin often was the target of vicious teasing and jests. Calvin bore this cruelty with remarkable courage and only rarely lost his “cool.” He always had a big smile for everyone. When you needed a volunteer to help with a class project or event, you could always count on Calvin to help to the very best of his abilities. Studies came hard for Calvin, but his attitude was he just had to work a little harder and a little longer to understand it, so he always worked longer and harder. He may not have been the valedictorian of our class but that wasn’t because any one tried harder. He really earned his diploma. Calvin passed away from his many infirmities on the 21st day of May 1970. We are sorry if we ever added to Calvin’s suffering. While we may not have known it when we graduated in 1969, we are older now in 2009 and recognize Calvin as a real hero.

Matching Grant Opportunity

It was determined that RHS Class of 1969 did not present a gift to the school district when we graduated. We have been given a unique opportunity to make a difference ... and ultimately a difference in the lives of the students.

An anonymous donor has offered to match donations from the RHS Class of '69 to the Jefferson County School District #251 Education Foundation at a ratio of 2:1. For example, for every $2,000 donated, an additional $1,000 up to a maximum of $10,000. Thus if the combined donations from classmates can reach $20,000, it will result in a $30,000 donation to the Foundation. Classmates donations may be made directly to the Foundation with the accompanying notation that "this contribution is from a RHS Class of 69 Member and Qualifies for a Matching Grant." Mailing address: Jefferson County School District #251 Education Foundation, Attn: Mike Poston, 201 Idaho Avenue, Rigby ID 83442-1413 (email:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sharing the wisdom - Judy Armstrong Crowder

Hello to the Class of 1969! I wish that I could be there to see you would be so fun to catch up on 40 years. Please send updated emails or addresses if you get them.

The following are my words of wisdom:

“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”


Sharing the wisdom - Erma Taylor Butikofer

Friends come and go, but family is forever. Be happy and take life as it comes.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sharing the wisdom - Sheryl Gardner Packer

About the ony wisdom I've gained over the past 40 years is that the more I think I know the more I'm proved wrong!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sharing the wisdom - LaNae Hammon Poulter

A smile is “that curvy little line that makes the world straight.” A smile can be priceless. Smiles are free, never go out of style, and even look good with wrinkles. So whatever you wear, wear a smile.

Sharing the wisdom - Shirley Faye Price Swearingen

Life is short - live every day as if it was your last.
Shirley Faye

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sharing the wisdom - Wayne Murdock

Happiness does not come from worldly possessions.
Success is not always what you think it is.
Stress is real, but controllable.
Freedom is worth fighting for.

Sharing the wisdom - Garth Gunderson

Being old is a lot older than it used to be. Life just keeps getting better after grandkids come along.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sharing the wisdom - RueAnn Hall Yearsley

"The most important things in life are not things." Family is so important to us, we have lost some very special family members just in the past 10 years. "Families Are Forever."

    Sharing the wisdom - Patricia Scott

    1. You'll only succeed if you try.
    2. There are very few great writers - just lots of good editors.
    3. If you want to know the errors you've made, publish a book.


    Tuesday, August 4, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Peggy Sellers Petersen

    Be consistent. Love the Lord. Pay your tithing. Never give up hope. Keep on caring. Just pray. Make new friends, but keep the old. Dare to throw away or your kids will. Take care of yourself. Love your mate/family.

    Monday, August 3, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Terrall Hanson

    Two things my mother never though she would see both occured in 1969: man walked on the moon and I had enough credits to graduate. I have since learned that with God, all things are possible.

    Sunday, August 2, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Ronda Lee James

    Greetings to all my old school associates! Wish we were with you to renew old friendships. This is my word of wisdom: Service to our fellowman brings joy and blessings beyond description. If one wants to be happy, forget yourself and look for ways of helping others. Keep in touch!

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Brenda DaBell Walker

    Everyone has an opinion. We don't all look at life the same way. My opinion may be different from yours, but that doesn't mean we can't be great friends. Each point of view is valuable. Life is too short to exclude those who may not see the world as I see it.

    Friday, July 31, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Scott Fullmer

    Not everyone who can hear listens, and not everyone who listens can hear.

    We can share the same experiences with others, but we never have the same experiences they do.

    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Christine Blair Hall

    Be kind, smile, love your family, stay religious, enjoy life and it will pay big rewards in happiness.

    Wednesday, July 29, 2009

    Tuesday, July 28, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Shauna Hansen DeCoria

    Smile before getting out of bed every morning. Be happy daily. Eat healthy! Stay “physically” active. Continue to learn “truths.” Be a good friend. Show gratitude. Serve others! LOVE YOURSELF!!!

    Monday, July 27, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Phyllis Lee Millar

    Happiness is a choice. A positive attitude helps carry you through the good times as well as the bad.

    Sunday, July 26, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Randy Rolfe

    Don’t ruin today by worrying about tomorrow.

    Saturday, July 25, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Robert Ball

    Be true to yourself and a friend to everyone.

    Friday, July 24, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Calvin Archibald

    Diversity is the spice of life. Find and enjoy the uniqueness within oneself and allow others to do the same.

    Thursday, July 23, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Donetta Rock Fife

    Top 4 things I've learned:
    • Focus on people.
    • You can't be offended unless you consent.
    • The most important things in life can't be bought.
    • If it contains dark chocolate, it must be healthy.

    Monday, July 20, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Pam Jenson Harris

    I may not be rich and famous - but I have priceless grandchildren. Who would have known what a joy it would be to have your own grandchildren. My family is a great blessing in my life. It outweighs all the other "things" I may have acquired!

    Sunday, July 19, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Frieda Pieper Buchanan

    How do you fit 40 years into 40 words or less? Can't be done. My life is like riding my bicycle .... lots of bumps & bruises, too many hills to count .... some smooth riding.... But mostly Just Great Fun!

    Thursday, July 16, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Patricia Blosch Johnson

    Treat each new day as a wonderful gift. Grandchildren are the best!

    Saturday, July 11, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - John Miller

    Time is an illusion. Life is fragile and fleating. Never take friends, family, and love for granted.

    Friday, July 10, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Sharyn Park Crouch

    Take time to smell the roses, the daisies, the pine trees and the cow stuff. The Lord above made them all.

    Wednesday, July 8, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Boyd Dial

    Family and good friends are our best asset. Being faithful in the gospel has brought us our greatest blessings; service to others our best rewards. 40 years sure went by quick--did we miss something?
    I hated my time in Iraq.

    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Ingrid Christensen Ball

    Thank goodness high school wasn't a predictor of success for the rest of my life! Regardless of how "popular" we felt, we're all just people, and all people need to feel accepted and valued.

    Saturday, June 27, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Darwin Poulsen

    "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming 'WOW - What a ride.'" James Fineous McBride

    Saturday, June 20, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Sherry Olsen Kruse

    If you cherish your family, teach a child, create memories, cultivate a sense of humor, do what you love, laugh out loud, appreciate nature, develop new talents, strengthen your faith, and walk while you still can, life will be wonderful.

    Saturday, June 13, 2009

    Sharing the wisdom - Dean Mortimer

    The best way to get something done is to begin.

    Wednesday, June 3, 2009

    Golf anyone?

    Dear Classmates,

    Would anyone be interested in having a golf outing either the day of or the day before? The one we had 10 years ago was fun.
    Bryce A. Hanson CSI
    Specification Sales Manager
    Construction Specialties, Inc.
    2933 Maple Ave.
    Brookfield, Illinois 60513
    (708) 704-1480

    Sunday, May 24, 2009

    Invitation, photo, and memories

    Addresses have been found for most of us -- hopefully the correct addresses. The invitations have been mailed. Now comes the interesting part as we see who is able to come. In the meantime, it has been said that a picture says a thousand words. So what did the picture of our graduation on the invitation say to you? (Click on photo above to get larger resolution.) Did you find yourself? Did your recognize any of the rest of us? Will we need name tags to jog our memories at the reunion in August?

    Tuesday, May 19, 2009

    A start

    This blogspot can be a great place to start getting reacquainted or just catch up on what's happening in your lives. Or maybe share a "do you remember when..." Make it your own.

    For starters...Do you remember when Midway Junior High School students came together with kids from Rigby Junior High School for the first time to become the freshman class at RHS? The year was 1966, and we came to school decked out in our mini skirts and bell bottom pants. Well, the guys may have had bell bottom pants, but there were no pants worn to school by the girls due to the dress code. And if my memory serves me right those skirts had to touch the top of the knee caps. I think some of us may have had extra tall knee caps.

    55 Year Class Reunion

    Date: Friday, August 10, 2024

    Location: Rigby High School, Rigby

    Time: 2-4 p.m. buffet Donetta Rock Fife.


    Please help by keeping contact information up to date, by continuing to search for our "lost classmates," and by reaching out in friendship to encourage others to attend. A reunion is all about the people -- that means you!